What is an Inclusion Mentor?
The Inclusion Team’s role is to support the needs of children who may be facing barriers to their learning and help them achieve to the very best of their abilities in school. They work with children, teachers, parents, carers, families, schools and other agencies to ensure children and families receive the support they need. Our Inclusion Mentor is are Mrs Dawn Christian. What are barriers to learning? A barrier to learning is any factor that prevents a child from being in a suitable mood or emotional, physical or psychological state to engage in their lessons and learn. Barriers to learning experienced by children may be:
How does The Inclusion Team help to address these issues? The Inclusion Team helps children, their families and teachers to identify particular difficulties a child may be having and seek solutions. They work with children on a 1:1 basis, in a small group or with a class to help improve the situation and encourage pupils to re-engage in their learning. The aim of this additional support is to help raise children’s achievement and aspirations by improving:
Are families involved? Yes. The value of positive and active involvement by parents cannot be overstated and family support and engagement is highly valued by school. The Inclusion Team communicate with families regularly to update them and to get feedback on their thoughts and is available at times throughout the week to chat with parents/carers. Will I be told if my child is working with the Inclusion Team? Yes. If staff in school identify children who would benefit from time with the Inclusion Team, they will discuss this with parents first. However, if you as a parent/carer have concerns you can speak to the Inclusion Team directly. Please feel free to come and chat with me if you have any more questions. I am on the playground before school most mornings or can be contacted on 01530 270371. |
Mrs Susan Heath is our SEND Coordinator if you have any questions or concerns linked to special educational needs, she can be contacted to via the school office on 01530 270371.